2013 Highlights and 2014 Predictions

Quotable quote:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Seasons greetings and warm wishes for a prosperous 2014…

As 2013 draws to a close, I would like to express my gratitude to clients, colleagues, business partners and friends of Emergination for their support in 2013, and to reflect on a very busy year.

Here are some highlights:

Prezentt.com – Changing the world of presentations…

If you deliver presentations, you will have experienced the frustration of being able to interact with a few people in the audience afterwards, perhaps ending up with a small handful of business cards, and requests for copies of your slide deck.

This year Emergination has been working hard to create and develop a solution this problem – and it will be available early in the new year. Please head over to the Prezentt website to find out more (including our funky video) and register for your free account.

According to Microsoft, over 30 million presentations are delivered every day. This is a massive market.

Major Projects:

Market Development / Project Management for a new mobile CCTV project for driverless trains for DTI Group

Brand development, digital strategy and execution for:

  • Transglobal Shipping and Storage
    Chess Moving
    Fort Knox Records
    Information Enterprises Australia
    Northern Eye Surgeons

Speaking and Mentoring:

Cebit – Big Data Conference
Curtin Ignition Program
Startup Weekend
Australian Institute of Company Directors – Digital Disruption
Business Foundations – Marketing for Games Developers

And, related to my passion for golf, I joined the board of the Lakelands Country Club.

2014 Predictions

This time last year, I ventured some predictions for 2013 which have largely been realised. For 2014, I would express my thoughts more succinctly than last year:

  • The investment community will be more focused on technology businesses offering relatively low startup costs and capacity to scale – particularly on the back of successful listings of Australia tech companies
  • Smart companies will seek technology innovation to better engage with customers and stakeholders, and drive down costs
  • Digital disruption will become more significant and executives will scramble to get on top of it

I wish you the very best over the festive break. Until 2014, keep fit!

Picture of Justin Davies

Justin Davies