Future Proofing Your Business

Future proofing your business ­ Building your vision and end game beyond creating a job

Emergination Managing Director Justin Davies delivered a free one day workshop on Future Proofing Your Business on the 13th of October.

Future Proofing Your Business Workshop Overview

Starting a business is an exciting time. For some, it is an opportunity to provide a much better solution for clients than they can currently obtain in the market. For others, it is about a better lifestyle and being their own boss.

Beyond this initial spark to get started, one of the most difficult areas of business and personal development is vision setting. For most people tomorrow’s vision is the same as today, only slightly better. The world is changing so rapidly that more of the same would be wrong. A clear and concise vision that is well communicated to all stakeholders can give you a sustainable competitive advantage and create a “Future Proof” business.

Detailed description of what is covered in the workshop and expected learning outcomes

The agenda for the workshop is:

  • Creating a compelling vision for your business
  • Communicating your vision to your stakeholders
  • Getting your processes down so you can grow and scale
  • Your collaboration toolkit and getting things done
  • Smart ways to innovate faster through continuous improvement
  • Digital transformation – getting digitally lean and gaining more time through automating the mundane
  • Building your team
  • Beyond You: Succession planning
  • Pull it into a one page plan

This workshop is made available via SBDC and is free to attend. It is a great opportunity to really work on your business. Places are strictly limited to ensure plenty of one of one assistance.


Picture of Justin Davies

Justin Davies